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Class Of 1964
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Charlie Andersen
John Anderson
Markie Anderson (Pinnell)
Jim Ashmore
Janis Baldwin (Peckham)
Andrew Barner
Rosanna Bata (Koupal)
Dennis Beaudette
Tom Beightol
Bonnie Bell
Milford Bell
Jim Bookhart
Bob Brandon
Ron Cardwell
Floyd Carey
Linda Clausen (Camarigg)
Ron Clausen
Pat Collins (Westbrook)
David Corzine
Judy Earley (Clayton)
Beverly Eatherton (Rodgers)
Judy Grubel (Petrik)
Randy Hagen
Susan Hansen (Ullrich)
Carol Headid (Border-Stone)
Norma Holmes (Petersen)
Connie Hughes (Osterbuhr)
Arnold Jasman
Beverly Johnson (Eliason)
Eileen Jotzke (Fleming)
Jan Julian (Stone)
Dan Keegan
Tom Lindblom
Dale Lisle
Janice Luft (Riddle)
Charles McKnight
Sheryl McKnight (Collins)
Barbara Miller (McKenney)
Karen Molstad (Riley)
Cheri Monlux (Joslin)
Renee Nassif
David Noble
Sharon O'Connell (Varvais)
Rick Ohl
Michael Oliver
Wally Ostapoff
Nancy Palmer (Bradshaw)
Keith Petersen
Patricia Pickering (Anderson)
Susan Porter (Steemken)
Phyllis Poskevich (Gran)
Nancy Reed (Bechler)
Judy Robbins (Skoglund)
Mary Shoning (Klauer)
Caroline Stoddard (Petersen)
Dick Stone
Joyce Vales (Wagner)
Ed Westbrook